
Hey! I loved your Scorbus fanfic! I'd love it of you could read the first chapter of mine and tell me any feedback. I'll post another part once I get a few reads. Thanks!


   Thank you so much! I'll definitely try to post again today! Thank you for the feedback it's really nice 


@whyyy_ Hey! So your fanfic was fabulous. Honestly. Please don't wait to post Part Three! I need to know what happens! And I love how you wrote it in first person. I really like stories in that perspective but don't really have the courage myself (I dunno it's hard.) 
            So yeah. Great fanfic! And really, please don't wait to post part three! I know that it's kind of discouraging when you don't have very many reads, or comments, but a lot of the fanfic I write doesn't, so I just don't let it get to me. And now you know for sure that there are people out there clamoring for more! ;)