
Hi everyone,
          	I am sorry for not posting chapters for both of my stories in a while, I always feel like I am saying this whenever I post a message :-/
          	Anyways I just wanted to say that I WILL be posting soon for both of my books, I maybe even post a new Germangie story as well. You will have to wait and see ;-)
          	And also that I have not given up on these stories. I just have been super busy with life. I will aim to update more regularly.
          	Have a great day/night 
          	- Isabelle xxo


Hi everyone,
          I am sorry for not posting chapters for both of my stories in a while, I always feel like I am saying this whenever I post a message :-/
          Anyways I just wanted to say that I WILL be posting soon for both of my books, I maybe even post a new Germangie story as well. You will have to wait and see ;-)
          And also that I have not given up on these stories. I just have been super busy with life. I will aim to update more regularly.
          Have a great day/night 
          - Isabelle xxo


Hi everyone,
          I apologise for not updating in a while, especially on my new Germangie book as it only has one chapter 
          I have been ill for the entire week, but as soon as I get better  I will update both stories.
          Thank you guys for following me and voting on my book. And the nice comments as well. I am grateful and happy that their are a lot of people reading my books. It feels amazing!
          Anyways have a nice day ✨


Hope you get well soon. Have a nice day :-)


Hi! I just read the first chapter of your book and it's amazing.I don't know why, but after reading the description I was reminded of Germangie. Am I wrong? I'm probably too obsessed with them... now, I'll go amd read the rest of your book. Bye!


@actressgirl13 Ok, It's amazing as any person who hasn't seen violetta will enjoy the story a lot (though I'm enjoying much more than that). Thanks for checking out my book! :)


@dhrishti_442 It is slightly based on Violetta. But I made it very, very different. But some parts are similar to Violetta, :-)
            Thank you so much for reading my story. I have read yours and its great!