
Why'd you delete all your old stories
          	Now I'm vv sad


@creepypostas anytime TicciSofia!!!! and you stories so far are really good!! please post by the end of the week!! YOu know once people start finding and reading your stories you'll be getting that alot, both that it's good, and to update quickly! :D :P words of wisdom!! :P  love ya! :) <3


Hola! Thank you lovely few who follow me! It's an honor!
          So i was thinking about starting to write on wattpad, maybe? what do you think? i have an idea for a story that i shall run by my bestest friend on Wattpad, my ninja buddy! 
          but i was also thinking about doing some one shots.Anyone wants to they can send me their name, the band member of their choice(1D obviously!), and an idea and i can attempt a one shot for them. 
          So what do you few think, should I? :D<3