
this message may be offensive
omg stop reading that shit i have to fix it


Hello. Are you okay?? Its been a long time since I heard from you. Sorry to disturb you. 


@actuallyidk  I had a heart attack!! I'm so so sorry.I hope you succeed in school. Thank you for your kindness towards me and taking time to reply 


@Alexischatuveri Hi, thanks for the message! I'm alright, but I'm in my last year of high school and have important exams this year. That's why I'm not posting anything. Thanks for your concern :) 


hey broski, i hope you’re doing well. in all honesty, i thought that “Love Anonymous" was really great story, despite how much you seem to be unsatisfied with its contents. I don't really care if you finish the story or not, but more if youre doing okay, and if you need someone to rant to or talk to, I will not be bothered whatsoever. with whatever is happening in your life, I hope that you get through it and become stronger as a result, I'll forever support you, even if you don't want it. as for writing, even tho no one asked, don't feel pressured to continue but just do whatever the heck you want, iTS YOUR LIFE. anygays, love you my dude, despite the fact that no one asked 


@excuseme134340 omg I'm so sorry, I didn't see your message :( Thank you for your encouragement!! I really appreciate that you took the time to send me this 


bro where u at i miss u


@actuallyidk that's all cool, and losing interest in your stories happens. i'm still gonna miss love, anonymous, of the best fics on here.


@SugaWithThatTae  it's been so long, I haven't even opened wattpad in a while :( 
            I've kind of lost interest in writing so I don't know if I will ever complete the stories I've posted. Still love reading yours though ❤


Sorry friends, you won't be getting  updates anytime soon because my exams have started. But my messed up imagination is still coming up with weird plots and I have more stories planned! 
          Unfortunately, updates shall only begin regularly from November, though I may post bits and pieces before then.