
Check my blog update now :( takin a break from Wattpad


Hey. I heard you won't be updating your books anymore and you have quit Wattpad, o just like found out now, because it's been a long time we had last talked or I read any of your update. You are likr the first person who I met here, and you were kind to me. Remember we were going to collaborate on a novel together, I actually had dreams, but we decided to do it another time. Your books were the reason why I had formed mine, your books encouraged me to write more. You are so nice, I just wish you could come back. I just want the both of us to write together, again, like we had planned. I also want an update from your books. Right now I'm sad that you are gone, because today marked the day where the first person I met on this website has left me all alone. Though I hope you are happy, and also maintaining this stay-at-home order. I will miss you.
          Love Ari.


Hey! I know you used to read my book "Graceful" and I recently edited and republished it if you're interested!


@emmaeverafter Hey! Omg I loved that book so I'm going to read it now! I just redownloaded wattpad after taking a break :) 


Why do you think Jane deserves to be with Michael instead of Rafael? Like, I get that they have so much more background than Jane and Raf, but, something about Michael makes me think that they shouldn't be together.


 I mean, circumstances have changed since season 5. What season are u on - I don’t want to spoil things for u