
Sad to say that the new character is cancelled but until we fix it you can continue to read children of the dark matter


To: Javier Guerrero
          This is the Foundation of Ultimate Soldiers of America. We are here to recruit you to become one of the greatest agents/soldiers/warriors we have ever had. ElectroSkull101's book, Black Knight, is a crossover fan book of famous fictions, ranging from DC to anime, anything possible.
          We have seen powerful heroes and villains, but we are here hiring non-powerful soldiers to show them that you are not to be underestimated and, as you say, a badass. We will give you an agent name that best suits you. We are sending this because your brother, Fabian Salazar, Black Knight, asks if you would like to be a part of FUSA, a part of this fan book to become another main protagonist. (The book isn't out yet.)
          We will not take you in by force. This is by your choice. Javier Guerrero, do you accept to become a warrior of the American government's most powerful and trusted force, FUSA?
          From: Agent Black Might


Since its ARMY, an OC with reality warping abilities, main protagonist. Antonio (A). OC as a master marksmen, gunslinger, bounty hunter. Raul (R). The man that slings webs from Marvel. The New Spider-Man. Miles Morales (M). The hothead with Emer Cecilas. Short tempered. Yang Xiao Long (Y). Same story, but no Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. Changes. Major changes... Make a fan story better


Idk,ruby has a secret power and which of our ocs would it be?


@ademTorres Inagine the world of Remnant with all of its heroes. But imagine it without Ruby, Blacke, and Weiss? Replaced by two ocs and an official character? The RWBY fan book, ARMY, has new characters to replace. Yang is there, but the story changes. See us!


This late. One: I've texted you. You haven't answered. Does your phone cannot have service? Two: I made an MHA fanfic, and I need your help. I'm needing antihero assassins to target these powerful characters. You'll be given the credit. Can you help me, bro?


@ElectroSkull101 yes I can help you, and yes my phone is still deactivated,get discord so I can talk to you


Dude, when're you gonna post a new chapter?


Well, you've gotta get back on it. I'm serious.


@ElectroS101_Master I keep getting distracted and end up role plying with Jeanine all day.


@ElectroS101_Master IDK I keep finding New things to do and I'm getting lazy again