
I am Mara and new to wattpad. Kristen gave me her account so she could focus on her main so I'm excited


thanks for the follow !! your username sounds great ! i really appreciate the follow and you can read my story if you want to, no pressure or anything !! 
          have an awesome day !! if you didn't , then i'm sorry .... 
          from miyoko honda


Aloha pocahontas! 
          Okay that was weird...but whatever is okay right? Anyways thanks for the follow and just have a beautiful and wonderful day!
          Fries are so good right?


@girlout_x  fries are amazing, to answer your question. That greeting wasn't weird at all. your welcome for the follow and have a great day yourself


Thank you so much for the follow Mara! It means ever so much to me, you fabulous person! So thank youuuu and I hope you have a fabulous day! Also, Halsey is life and Melanie Martinez is life and I love your word play :) *hugs you and gives you hugs and cookies and ice cream* 


@randomlydancing your welcome about the follow, love!!! aww, thank you for liking my little word play <3 <3 <3 *hugs you back*