
Salam 1 Aidilfitri. Semoga kita tabah menghadapi kuih raya.


          Dah lama Wattpad tak dibuka,
          Kita terharu banyak komen membina.
          Tamatlah sudah novel #Kotej,
          Harap semua terima mesej.
          Bagi yang belum mula membaca,
          Bolehlah cuba dengan segera.
          Terima kasih @bukufixi,
          Kita ada plan nak hantar lagi;
          Tapi... itu nanti-nanti,
          Kita tak berapa cukup kudrat lagi ni.
          Kena kumpul semangat menulis balik ler,
          Sebab kita ada peram satu manuskrip psycho-thriller;
          Tapi apakan daya kita busy giler,
          Cari duit membina rumahtangger.


@HilmiLoma hahahaha. Tak dan nak buat apa. Kalut macam x cukup 24 jam. Hukhuk. T.T


@afiqaharashid heyyy awesome people lama naw berhibernasi! Hahahaah!


Hi. Salam dari kuantan. I really really love your book, kotej. Definitely different from other books ive read. Do you have any other books from fixi? I would like to read more of your books :) 


@MiaArshad hi Mia! Thank you for the kind words. Really appreciate it. For now, I'm kind of busy working. But I've been working on a thriller novel for Fixi. But only 20% done currently. Will definitely try to 'make' Fixi to produce it. Let's pray it can be done this year. Huhu. Thanks again for your support! 