
Hey guys! I haven't been on here for agesss, but thought I'd let you know why Forever Bound has disappeared from my works list. Basically I'm in the midst of selling it to a publisher and I couldn't have it on here at the same time. Copyright and all that. That doesn't mean it's gone, just means if you're still interested you'll be able to buy it one day in the future, not too far away I hope! Hope you're all good :)


Hey guys! I haven't been on here for agesss, but thought I'd let you know why Forever Bound has disappeared from my works list. Basically I'm in the midst of selling it to a publisher and I couldn't have it on here at the same time. Copyright and all that. That doesn't mean it's gone, just means if you're still interested you'll be able to buy it one day in the future, not too far away I hope! Hope you're all good :)


Hey guys! I'm beyond sorry for the temporary hold up on 'Forever Bound' but I'm going to be back really soon! I've just had a few busy, hard weeks. I'm going back, re-reading and editing the chapters I've wrote and then I'm going to crack on with writing it. I just want to say thank you for them people who still read it and have stuck around. You are the best! And I've reached 5000 reads! Without even doing anything! That's amazing! So thank you again! Hopefully you will hear from me soon by the means of a new chapter! :) xxxxx


@kaygzkay I'm really sorry! I've just not been able to write, it's so frustrating. And I'm really busy as well so I haven't had time either... it's not going to be on hold for long, I promise! I just need to get my writing hat back on and believe I can do it. I've lost all motivation really. Thank you though! For letting me know how you feel! Hopefully I'll be back real soon. Xx


I'm back! I'm sorry for disappearing but my author's note says enough so I'm not going to have you read my boring explanation twice! ;) 
          But what I will say is.... Chapter 14 is up! And I've worked so hard making it as great as I can for you guys! So please please go and read it? You'd be my best mate if you do! 
          Comment/vote!!! :D xxx