
hello, hello, lovely people!
          	A quick question for you all: would you mind if we posted stories that are /not/ A&A/R5 fandom related? Meaning, the stories are either original or another fandom. Normah and I have several new ideas that we're hesitating on because we aren't sure if you would be willing to give them a try as you have with Rumor Has It or Distorted Reflections or any of the other stories. Let us know your thoughts!


Hi! I love your books! Their really great! Please do a sequel to Rumor Has It! And I saw how great your book covers are... (mine are so sucky) can you please make one for me... it doesn't matter what book. And if you don't wanna, at least tell me what app your using... I really wantnta make book covers like that... 


hello, hello, lovely people!
          A quick question for you all: would you mind if we posted stories that are /not/ A&A/R5 fandom related? Meaning, the stories are either original or another fandom. Normah and I have several new ideas that we're hesitating on because we aren't sure if you would be willing to give them a try as you have with Rumor Has It or Distorted Reflections or any of the other stories. Let us know your thoughts!


Normah and I would just like to thank all of you for the support for 'Rumor Has It'! You guys have been incredible and we really hope you loved it as much as we loved writing it! And we also hope you continue to share positivity with others, whether it be posting positive feedback or just complimenting them! We hope you enjoy future works of ours! Lots of love xx -Lecx