
Okay, I'm going to try *crosses fingers* to post once a week, because I've already screwed up! I've just started writing up Chapter 12.


Hey! Can you please check out my novel "he was my worst nightmare" it's pretty creative, it has a lot of drama, and it's also a romantic novel. I mean who doesn't love those? Lol if you could give it a chance it would mean the world. Thank you. xoxo


Hello bookfangirlforlife! I've stumbled upon your page and was just wondering if you'd check out my new story called "His Hidden Heart" which only has two chapters. It'd mean the world if you could. Sorry if you find this annoying, feel free to ignore me if it is. Thank you! :) Ps. Your username is relatable. 


Thank you so much ❤️


@annettex77 Wow! You're a really good writer! 