
Happy Easter everyone! 


Aw, happy Easter!!!!


          I’m very sorry you feel that way Lula. I just want you to know that this was our past relationship. I have many reasons to be upset with her and she has many reasons for her to be upset with me. I also want to let you know that we have let this go and apologized to each other.
           Second of all, she has told me about what she said. In fact, she even let me see the conversation. She has also apologized for what she said. I asked her why and she responded saying, “It was just one of those days.” I will not say what ‘one of those days’ means, but I do know. 
          Third of all, if you actually knew everything about us you wouldn’t have commented about this. But you don’t, you don’t know us even the slightest bit. Maybe a little, but not enough to say things like this. You don’t even know why I said those things. You don’t know if I had depression or anxiety. YOU DON’T KNOW. Maybe I was suffering greatly at that time. But then again, you don’t know.
          Finally, do you know how this affects me? Do you know what this makes me think? I think that maybe I am just a spoiled, immature brat that mentally abuses their friend. 
          I just want to let you know that me and Blossom are great friends. We’ve been friends for almost 5 years now. We practically share the same saliva. We fight all the time, like sisters. This fight just got out of control.
          Last thing, this is none of your business. You don’t have the right to report me because what happened should never have been brought to Wattpad. The only reason you are reporting me is because of something personal that happened in real life. I didn’t do anything inappropriate to affect the Wattpad community. 
          I am very sorry if this offended you. (Lula or Blossom)
          Thank you for your time. 