
; cb 


/ pov they aren't dating but are on good terms and Steve is his safe space 
          "Hey are you busy?" Billy mumbled, slurring his words. "I'm...right about plastered...and I don't...want to do anything dumb..." By the noise on the other end, Billy was stmblung through the street and cursing as he fell a couple times. 


; wattpad... stop giving me notifications about coins instead of replies challenge impossible..
          ; I don't care about the coins wattpad I'm not here to read -_-


            //same ugh i hate how Wattpad is now..:( lol


//I'm not the only one (,:


/ anxiety things
          Eddie noticed Steve was being more standoffish than usual, but they remembered that social gatherings are hard on him. Especially with everything that happened, and having to see all those familiar people at Joyce's holiday celebrations. "Hey..." Eddie whispered quietly, nudging his hand with their skinny fingers until they were held. "How's it goin' killer."


@frksht .
            "' yeah ...I'm fine" Steve tried to assure Eddie with a tight smile he didn't want to bother them . Steve was always concerned about Eddie more than himself 


            "Hey Joyce," Eddie called softly. "We're gonna go and grab some drinks," they smiled. Joyce nodded but was swarmed by the grandmas. Eddie gently took Steve's hand and kissed his knuckles as they escaped out the back door. "Alright...spill..."


/ pov me deciding to break your heart by having Steve 'see' Eddie's ghost and talk to Eddie but they're not actually with Steve if that makes sense. 
          "She's beautiful, Steve...you did so well. And...I'm so, so sorry, Steve..."
          Eddie whispered, sitting on the edge of his bed. Well not actually...Eddie more or less just appears every so often. But Steve can't touch them. Or kiss them. Or hold them. They are a vision, like a mirage, to help Steve cope. 
          "Kiss her for me..."


            Steve was tired after giving birth so he wasn't really listening or paying attention to Eddie. He was afraid, ignoring them in fear it was a venca thing . Steve kisses the baby " hi..... welcome to this messed up little world Christine Joyce Harrington-Munson" he smiled sadly 


Eddie picked the freckled bastard up by his scruff and held him over a puddle. "Listen, mutt, you're going to behave and not send your gaggle of bitches after my good friend or we'll have some issues. And he asked me not to get involved so this is your only warning."
          / Idk why this came to me in a vision fhdhdb


            ; I'm so tired I'm assuming that freckle face is Tommy Hagan 
            Steve was watching the whole thing stunned " the hell...." He mumbled 


            / YES LMFAOOOO
            "Call him off of me!" Tommy yelped, trying to swing at Eddie's head. "Acht acht acht...that's not nice Hagan. Now apologize."