
To anyone who still wanted an update to my ereri fanfic:
          	It's cringy, nope,nope,nope. 
          	I'm sorry 


My dude what’s up... we literally were just talking


@ Jessica_Wolf_123  this is probably the biggest plot twist in my entire life omg


Hi! We just met on ShamChat and my phone freaked out. But I found ya!


@ Jessica_Wolf_123  ah yes! I DMd you so I hope we can continue rping there whenever you have the time


Okay so... I'm back from my unexpected hiatus.. OKAY LISTEN BEFORE EVERYONE GETS MAD AT ME LET ME EXPLAIN!! I... I have no other explanation than the fact that I got lazy tbh.. BUT I'LL FINISH WHAT I STARTED!! NO FIC OF MINE WILL REMAIN UNFINISHED!! Gimme like a day or two and the next chapter will be out (I'll probably change some things around) So yeah, get excited for that? Or not 
          Okay bye \(^-^)/


I love your Eren x Levi Fanfictions! >3< They're also my Fav ship!! Btw you seem to be an Awsome person!!! I'm so jelous of you!!!! >.<


@ LizzieUchiha16  oml thank you!! And trust me, most people would say I'm not. But thank you nontheless!!


Hi! Do you guys remember me ? Probably not but I want to thank everyone for OVER 100 READS ON MY FANFIC!!! Thanks everyone who had taken the time to read it!! And I'm sorry, I know I have been slow with updates. My studies are just asking a lot of me nowadays,but I promise I'll release the next chapter sometime this week. Oh btw EMO"S GET EXCITED BECAUSE I'M GONNA INCLUDE SOME MCR IN THERE. I'm so subtle with my references *sarcastic voice* But yeah that's it I guess. Get excited for the new chapter or get scared (subtle band reference is subtle) OKAY BYE


Hello I was curious if you had found songs for your book, not to be nosy or anything but I was just worried you may not have found one yet 


@ EmberWillow  yeah and I'll be using some of your suggestions. I'll also be linking a song with each chapter from now on :]


Time for an awkward story time!!! 
          So I met a guy a few days ago when I was watching YouTube videos, he likes AoT so we started talking on kik . One thing, he lives in America while I live in central Europe so, big time difference. I talked to him all night but fun fact about me:when I don't have enough sleep I can  be very weird and lose all my memories of me being weird afterwards. I now hear that I told my whole family about him. Another fun fact he's 5 years older than me so I don't know how to explain the fact that we're friends and nothing else. 
          Honestly? Fml


Okay question for everyonz who actually took the time to read my shitty fanfic: What song helped you trough your datkest times? I want to inlude music in my story because it helped me trough a big part of my own depression and I feel like I'm not the only one who uses music as mental support.(I hope this makes sense.) I picture Levi as someone who would listen to rock and metal,because it would replace all the dark thougts in his head, I was thinking the same for Eren but maybe a little softer and less "screamy". So if you have suggestions I would love to know them :)


@eren-the-maid absolutely and I'm glad I could brighten your day even if it's just a little 


@EmberWillow I literally can't describe how nice you are being to me! Oh gosh this really makes my day tbh. And again, thank you so much!!


@eren-the-maid of course, whenever help is needed I am glad to come, need any help any other time I've got your back hun ^ω^