
Hello, my froggy friends. It has been a long time, hasn't it?
          	I haven't been the best friend I could be to you. I've made promises I didn't keep. I've kept secrets, kept silent.
          	The truth is that 2016 was an odd, busy year. That the four years following the success of THE STORIES WE TELL has been embarrassingly barren of words. 
          	I've received the final rejection for STORIES. After this last one, which was wonderful and personal and made a lot of sense, I won't be querying it again.
          	My writing (and reading) has changed quite a bit since we spoke last, and that leaves STORIES in a weird sort of limbo. I'm proud of it, and will be forever grateful for how it brought us together (all still 28,000 of us). But it is no linger indicative of who I am in story. In some ways, I barely recognise that I wrote it at all...
          	So I am leaving the decison up to you: what should I do with STORIES, now that I no longer wish to have it published traditionally? Should I post it all back here on Wattpad? Should I publish an ebook on Amazon? 
          	Truthfully, STORIES has always been yours. I've just been borrowing it for a while.
          	I look forward to hearing what you decide.
          	All my love and cheesecake,
          	AC xoxox


@alexandracorinth this turned my whole entore day around!!


@alexandracorinth Oh my gosh I just flipped my lid and my boyfriend looked at me like I was insane. I'm so excited. Thank you. STORIES was one of the first 'stories' (aye) I read on Wattpad 


Hello, my froggy friends. It has been a long time, hasn't it?
          I haven't been the best friend I could be to you. I've made promises I didn't keep. I've kept secrets, kept silent.
          The truth is that 2016 was an odd, busy year. That the four years following the success of THE STORIES WE TELL has been embarrassingly barren of words. 
          I've received the final rejection for STORIES. After this last one, which was wonderful and personal and made a lot of sense, I won't be querying it again.
          My writing (and reading) has changed quite a bit since we spoke last, and that leaves STORIES in a weird sort of limbo. I'm proud of it, and will be forever grateful for how it brought us together (all still 28,000 of us). But it is no linger indicative of who I am in story. In some ways, I barely recognise that I wrote it at all...
          So I am leaving the decison up to you: what should I do with STORIES, now that I no longer wish to have it published traditionally? Should I post it all back here on Wattpad? Should I publish an ebook on Amazon? 
          Truthfully, STORIES has always been yours. I've just been borrowing it for a while.
          I look forward to hearing what you decide.
          All my love and cheesecake,
          AC xoxox


@alexandracorinth this turned my whole entore day around!!


@alexandracorinth Oh my gosh I just flipped my lid and my boyfriend looked at me like I was insane. I'm so excited. Thank you. STORIES was one of the first 'stories' (aye) I read on Wattpad 


So sorry for being away so long, dear readers! I hope you are well. <3 I will be sharing some news with you next week, so keep your eyes here! And as always, you can msg me here or email me at alexandracorinth[at]gmail[dot]com if you ever want to chat ^__^


Hi hi, lovelies!
          Just a friendly reminder that the FIRST FOUR CHAPTERS of THE STORIES WE TELL (original iteration) are available on my Wattpad profile *totally for free*! And that, if you like what you read and/or want more of the novel made available on Wattpad, to vote for any of the chapters and comment.
          Thanks oodles and caboodles, darlings.  <3
          All my love and cheesecake,
          AC xoxox


          Whilst enduring the editing process, STORIES is shaping up to be oh so much better than it was before -- and, in many ways, very very different from the novel you read here first on Wattpad. So I was wondering if you would like me to post THE FIRST THREE CHAPTERS (and just those for now!) of the ORIGINAL EDIT of THE STORIES WE TELL back on Wattpad for you to enjoy (and to remind you why you love the story enough to buy a copy come December ; ]).
          Let me know somewhere, anywhere on the internets! <3
          All my love and cheesecake,
          AC xoxox


a.) Okay, lovelies! Please take the time to like my Facebook page ( ). Starting 15 August, I will only be posting links to my creative content on The Mermaid with a Typewriter's FB page, so be sure you visit and like the page for access to my videos, blog posts, writing, etc. 
          b.) I have a LOT of projects in the works right now. If you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel, please check it out here: -- I have created quite a few videos (~13) in the last month or so. I am also working on a few writing projects, and developing at least one photo project, so be on the look out for more information in the next month!
          c.) Thank you all for continuing to support me and my work! I really appreciate you guys, and will talk to you soon!
          All my love and cheesecake,
          AC xoxox
          (Sorry for the repost -- the links were messed up.)