
Hello everyone, I see a ton of people asking what is going on with updates and how I am doing in general. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing great at the moment and will graduating from university next Spring. 
This is one of the reasons for a lack of updates among others, in general I have just been enjoying being a reader instead of a writer recently and am not really sure if or when i will come back the writing. I have been busy with certain family maters as well and prefer to just relax currently. I hope you all enjoyed my stories and they brought you some level of enjoyment. The door is not shut for future updates but I currently have no plans for any at this moment. I hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.


I know you still want to relax and focus on graduation but please just updaterimuru meets an interesting individual.


    Rimuru meets an interesting individual update  whenever possible. (Congrats for ur graduation)


      that time i got reincarnated as a high elf time travel


      Hello everyone, I see a ton of people asking what is going on with updates and how I am doing in general. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing great at the moment and will graduating from university next Spring. 
      This is one of the reasons for a lack of updates among others, in general I have just been enjoying being a reader instead of a writer recently and am not really sure if or when i will come back the writing. I have been busy with certain family maters as well and prefer to just relax currently. I hope you all enjoyed my stories and they brought you some level of enjoyment. The door is not shut for future updates but I currently have no plans for any at this moment. I hope everyone has a great day and stays safe.


      At least tell us if you're alive or something 


        Update on Rimuru meets an interesting individual please