
Probably not gonna be writing anymore. Sorry. I picked up a new hobby. It helps me mental health more than I'd expect. I might get back into writing but it's been a long time. Love y'all peeps. 
          	- Chip. 


Hey peeps...
          So uhm...
          Crud.. I'm bad at this... Anyway.
          I'm getting better because of my really good friends. So I should be able to start writing again soon. I just need to stop being as lazy as I am. So uh, another subject, if you need someone to talk to don't be afraid to message me. 
          You guys are all amazing and matter a lot.
          I purple you peeps. And if you don't know what that means, it basically means I love you. In a platonic way.
          Peace out. Sorry for repeating things if I did or smthn. Idk. It's like 3am rn lololol.
          - Alex 


Thank you so so much for your support! If you haven't seen it yet, I have another fanfic in the works called "A Crazy Obsession". Thanks again for supporting a mediocre writer as myself. More BillDip soon!
                               - Amara McNamara (writer identity)


@BillDip_JohnLock Your story is amazing so far 