
@hamyamy Hehe, thanks! And, i'm writing the next chapter right now! Sorry, i'm taking too long :P I'll write a few chapters today, hoping I  can get a few fans/votes. Sorry to keep you waiting. I'll give you a shoutout. >:D


hey i know these messages get really annoying but i just wondered if you could do me a huge favour and read my story, a pirates daughter in this age - no way!!!!  i would really appreciate but i totally understand if you dont lol thanx =D


Hey i know these are annoying but its always nice to have people read your stories so if you have time it would mean a lot if you could read Abandoned Sanctuary and tell me what you honestly think
          Much Appreciated ( 3


Oh wow! I feel privileged - one of the two people you're a fan of :D thanks, by the way. For fanning me (as weird as that sounds if I put it that way...). And, yeah, for voting for Feral! I hope I keep up the standard. Feel free to tell me if I don't and I really mean that - what's the point of posting stuff on Wattpad FOR the Wattpad community if the Wattpad community is disappointed? Anyway, chat sometime? la'er