
I FREAKING AM SO EXITED TO START WRITING THIS BECUASE DYLAN OBRIEN IS GOALS. literally all i can say about him is he is goals, no other words to express my feelings enough


Thank you so much for adding my book to your 'must reads' list, it is honestly a honor but I just wanted to inform you that the book you've added has a rewritten version with lesser plot holes and grammatical errors. It is titled 'Another Broken Smile' and it would be great if you checked that out too... Thank you 
          Have a great day!


@Proud2Bcrazy I am glad you like my books. Hope you continue reading Another Broken Smile. Looking foraard to your opinions. Even criticism is welcome.


Oh that is awesome,  thanks for telling me. Your books are so good. Have a great day too @Proud2Bcrazy