

Text to the nicest people:
          For you, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad
          For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt
          I wish love was perfect as love itself
          I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden
          I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream that can’t come true


Life keeps changing, but you are my  friend . Wish you another delightful year full of successful outputs. Wishing You A New Year, Bursting With Joy, Roaring With Laughter And Full Of Fun. I hope we could all live happily also in this year and I hope that this pandemic will go soon. Live your life and love yourself more ― Happy New Year My Friend.


          Reply to this message with a question and I'll answer it,,,as long as it is not something inappropriate.


Okay well, 
            1. What's your age?
            2. Do you have a pet?
            3. Do you have a crush?
            4. Are you the popular girl in school?
            5. What's your style? Like grunge, cottagecore etc. 
            6. What makes you happy?
            7. How does your family treats you?


@all-too-well_ hiya :)
            1. For what would you drop everything and immediately do that? 
            2. Fav fanfic?
            3. If animals could talk, wich would be the rudest?
            4. By wich sport would it be really funny if alcohol was drank before the game? 
            5. Fav song and why?
            6. Do you have pets? If no, what pets would you like to have? If yes, oooh what are their names and what animal is it?
            7. What is your fav thing to do? 
            8. What subject on school is your fav and wich one do you hate?
            9. Fav fandom? And from that fandom what is ur fav character?
            10. Wich character do you relate to and why? (only tell if you want to)
            11. How are you? You can answer truthfully or not, just remember that I'm here to talk
            ily <3


            What's your most favourite thing in the world?