
‘The Walls Have Eyes,’ Chapter VI: HELL’S GAAF-GIVER is up, and we’re finally back to some new content! Let me know what you think!
          	In other news, an update on my current projects and happenings outside of writing:
          	* I’ve been working on several projects, the first being the French version of ‘Hello,’ a story I submitted to be in Sci-Fi’s ‘Lost Civilizations’ anthology (you can find the anthology in one of my reading lists).
          	* The second is a story I hope to possibly work on for NaNoWriMo this November (it requires much less research + planning than ‘The Walls Have Eyes’ and works much better with my schedule) and hope to post in one fell swoop this Valentine’s Day. It’s an ace love story, because asexuality does not get nearly enough rep. :)
          	* The third is a cute science fiction story that is dialogue-only. Not sure when it’ll be out, but it’s something I add too when my bigger projects are stressing me out. A survivor of a deadly virus stranded on an infected planet, a volunteer in a decrepit space station miles above, and only a radio to connect them.
          	* As for happenings outside of writing, I got a job, which will impede a bit on my writing, BUT it’s at a bookstore, so . . .
          	* IB has hit me like a truck - currently I’m ignoring three essays, a physics lab, a sheet of French and four sections of math - but I am powering through.
          	* There’s been a death in the family, so I’m finding it hard to focus. Writing is somewhat of a stress-relief for me, though.
          	Let me know how you liked the new chapter and which of my upcoming projects you are most excited for! Hope you’re all doing well!
          	Thanks for reading ❤️


‘The Walls Have Eyes,’ Chapter VI: HELL’S GAAF-GIVER is up, and we’re finally back to some new content! Let me know what you think!
          In other news, an update on my current projects and happenings outside of writing:
          * I’ve been working on several projects, the first being the French version of ‘Hello,’ a story I submitted to be in Sci-Fi’s ‘Lost Civilizations’ anthology (you can find the anthology in one of my reading lists).
          * The second is a story I hope to possibly work on for NaNoWriMo this November (it requires much less research + planning than ‘The Walls Have Eyes’ and works much better with my schedule) and hope to post in one fell swoop this Valentine’s Day. It’s an ace love story, because asexuality does not get nearly enough rep. :)
          * The third is a cute science fiction story that is dialogue-only. Not sure when it’ll be out, but it’s something I add too when my bigger projects are stressing me out. A survivor of a deadly virus stranded on an infected planet, a volunteer in a decrepit space station miles above, and only a radio to connect them.
          * As for happenings outside of writing, I got a job, which will impede a bit on my writing, BUT it’s at a bookstore, so . . .
          * IB has hit me like a truck - currently I’m ignoring three essays, a physics lab, a sheet of French and four sections of math - but I am powering through.
          * There’s been a death in the family, so I’m finding it hard to focus. Writing is somewhat of a stress-relief for me, though.
          Let me know how you liked the new chapter and which of my upcoming projects you are most excited for! Hope you’re all doing well!
          Thanks for reading ❤️


Hey! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for voting on It’s Better To Burn! I’m looking forward to reading The Walls Have Eyes, but I have no time with school starting again. Lol. Curse it, right? Anyway, thanks again! Have a wonderful day or night!


@allieallieoxenfree_ that is a writer’s curse, isn’t it? Haha.
            And thank you so much! I’m glad to hear it!


Hi! Thanks! I totally understand the having no time thing, I can barely find time to write it, and I keep using my free time to read other books instead . . . whoops. But I’m loving It’s Better to Burn! Such a unique concept and beautiful writing, you’re very talented! :D


This is a notice for anyone still following ‘The Walls Have Eyes.’
          I’ve just taken down all published chapters of ‘The Walls Have Eyes’ (I-V) and publishes everything I’ve rewritten so far. Which is, currently, no more than chapter 3 - technically, 2, since I bumped Dakota’s backstory up to a prologue-type thing in the rewrite. Honestly, I’m disappointed; I wanted to have a lot more done by now. But please know that I have been working my ass off making notes and outlines and doing research (my notebook is bursting) and trying to write this to what I know to be the best of my ability. I’m not a fast writer, and (I know I keep saying it) I have not been feeling well physically or mentally for several months now. I’m so thankful for your patience and continuous support, it means so much to me, really ♡
          This book started as a fun summer project for me and has developed into something far greater (hence the research + rewrites!), and I’m so excited to share it with you. I’m much prouder of the rewrite and the direction it’s taking, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading the plot development and twists as much as I’ve enjoyed planning them and will enjoy writing them. :)


An update on ‘The Walls Have Eyes’:
          I’ve sorted out a ton of consistency errors and actually done some research on the years and places the story takes place in, though certain might warrant further research depending on how things go. I’ve worked out a general timeline and plan for where the plot is going, and actually figured out how I want it all to end. All in all, I’ve made a lot of progress, and I’m getting really excited!
          I’m now onto rewriting the chapters that are already up, as well as 6-10. My goal is to have up to chapter X posted before entering The Wattys, but I’ll settle for VII. My last exam is on Thursday, so you should expect to see rewritten versions of I-V up by the end of next week, as well as a revised blurb (to cover the small changes to the plot).
          Thank you all so much for your patience and support! Your feedback is crucial to the rewrites and it makes everything so much more fun to be writing for people, rather than just myself.


Hey again! Just popping by to say thank you for all your votes! That’s so wonderful of you! It means a lot.
          Thank you so much and have a good day!


Oh gosh thank you so much! You’re so kind! I’m so happy to hear that! 
            I love connecting with my readers ^^
            And I plan on updating today if everything goes as planned. @allieallieoxenfree_


Hi again! I’m loving your story and how involved you are with your readers :) Can’t wait for the next update, I’m so intrigued!


Hey Allie! I just meant to say thank you quickly for voting so much on my story ‘The Mosaic’! That is a wonderfully kind thing of you to do and means so much to me. Honestly, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it so far!
          Also, it’s amazing you’re interested in Psychology and Astronomy! Me too! So interesting!
          Have a lovely day! I hope you don’t mind me just bursting in here!


Oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t reply earlier! Sometimes wattpad doesn’t show me all notifications. I just saw it when I wanted to thank you for your recent votes!! So sorry again!
            True! And astronomy and psychology isn’t the most common interests either so I’m happy to find someone who likes it too! You’re right, they’re both so interesting! So deep and so many different things. 
            Thank you so much! Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy to hear! You’re so kind! And don’t apologize! Your votes mean so much! @allieallieoxenfree_


I don’t mind at all, I love it when people with common interests reach out to me on this site! Psychology and astronomy are so interesting indeed!  I’m absolutely loving ‘The Mosaic,’ your writing and world building is incredible. Sorry for being such a silent reader so far, I’m just so intrigued! 