
okay ya'll need to send some good dare for death so we can boom boom pow gratatatinu


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Just have to say hilarious!!!! 
          Username is : niqueawesomr
          Text name: nique
          Personality: most of the time I'm like legit clueless but also electric af and awesome whence the username niqueawesomr duh! Lol 
          Questions for Death: What did you think of Brad Pitt playing you? Do you like peanut butter? How do you feel about little grim reaper babies? Can I have a pic of your butt please? Which famous celebrities have you killed? Would you rather kill Kim Kardashian or Nici Minaj?  What is your favorite song? What is your favorite superhero? QUESTIONS FOR FAITH: When will you finally fuck Death? Can you please give us some reaper babies! Faith what is your favorite band? How did you feel when Death confessed his love but still claimed that he needed to kill you? When are you going to slap Tiara silly? Can you make Death sing us some Selena Gomez karaoke? 


Hey Em, about the next GC in the a chapter, just sending you my form . .. . really addicted with your book of "Ask Death". . .. . really like it alot
          Username: MythesJica
          Nickname: IceQueen<3
          Personality: sarcastic, funny,  sometimes responsible and kind
          Questions:(Death) When are you going to stop playing around and act mature? also when are you going to tell Faith you really love her? (For Faith) Faith if given the chance that Death will propose to you, will you say yes or no? and why?
          I wanna be: the active chatter in the GC
          GC name: X:Creps&Reapers:X . . . . hehe pls. Em choose me as one in the next GC thanks... alot