
Hanging onto my last thread of consciousness to try and finish this valentines day chapter before I fall asleep


@almondshampoo its okay you still have time


hiii :>


@jjkuin Aww, that's so sweet! Thank you so much! I've been working on the next chapter over my break, so hopefully I can get that out soon for you :)


@jjkuin holaaa :) your welcome, i really like the story heh i couldn't go back to sleep cuz I was anxious so I thought let me read and chose this book and it made me forget I was even anxious<3


@uh-inu Hi there :) Thanks for the votes, by the way!


istg my writing somehow gets better each chapter
          im honestly really happy with my rate of improvement at the moment, and its super encouraging regarding chapter motivation and length. im so glad i pushed through the hard bits and kept going because i really do feel better now and am genuinely happy to be working on this story still ^^


Random little thought:
          Personification is so fun for me to write: that's something I've realized recently. It just makes seemingly unimportant details so dynamic and interesting and is a super fun way to add more detail into stories. That's part of the reason I like writing injuries so much, because each little scratch and stream of blood is different in their own way, even more so with personification. Cold environments are also interesting to write, with the frigid air and all that. Try it out if it's not something you normally use! 


Hooray for 1.5k!! I got that a lot sooner than I thought I would, to be perfectly honest.
          Also update on my publishing schedule for clarity:
          Every other week! Friday morning PST! That'll be the official publish schedule for Bonito Flakes into the foreseeable future, so I hope to see you all next week <3


@almondshampoo you really do deserve it!! Good luck on publishing your new chapters and I hope that youll reach more views!!


@almondshampoo also holy carp 43 reads on my newest chapter; I just noticed that