
Duvet - Bôa 
          	( ◠‿◠ )


Okay, who else read ‘Manfred the baddie’ as a child? 
          I just saw a story about a guy getting a fever and no one caring for him, making him realise no one likes him and prompting him to change- and that was the entire plot of ‘Manfred the baddie’. 
          The plot is like this: 
          •we are introduced into Manfred and his gang 
          •we are shown what they do on a day to day basis and the extent of his crimes 
          • we are shown that he treats his henchmen badly and they do not like him either as his requests get too much 
          •Manfred suddenly falls ill and calls the doctor to visit him
          •he comes to realise no one is going to make him soup so he starts to right his wrongs 
          •he lets out people he kidnapped, puts back stolen artwork, etc.
          •everyone comes to love him and the next time he falls ill everyone cares for him 
          •he learns his lesson but sometimes he still sneaks out to commit a little silly crime 
          That’s ‘Manfred the baddie’ (which I know has a completely different meaning now lmao) 


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I’m going through exams :( 
          I have to actually start doing shit for my exams right now. I’m so tired, my parents are splitting up and we have to budget a lot to afford two houses and idk if we are getting kicked out of the one we have because we might be. I have 3 months before I start my new timetable and I hate it already. I love maths and physics- all that sort of stuff- but I also enjoy my creative subjects and sometimes all the technical subjects really pull a ton out of water. I have to get all my N5s and bag them and start doing proper exams and I am stressing out. I have to get them all proper and well to get into uni and I have to get them all in the next two years before I apply incase I can’t get in and then I can try again the year after. My birthday is in less than two months and I don’t know what to do. My time as a supported and protected, vulnerable child are almost up and the anxiety of being an adult is overbearing . 
          I took my sciences, graphic communication which I didn’t take this year and Im not good at, philosophy and a course outwith the school- which is engineering based. Along side my english, maths and physical education. I don’t know how much longer it is until I have a panic attack again. I know it’s coming and I have to try and tell my friends about my family stuff and I don’t know how I am supposed to to start the conversation when every time I think about it or talk about it I want to cry. The only way I think I could deal with it is if I was busy doing something, but I only really do that with them in school. I don’t know. 
          Anyway- if you see me online somewhere, no you didn’t. 


Imagine there being a chronically stupid serial killer who just found out about the ‘humans have 25 cups of blood in their body’ and they go out to kill someone to see it in real life and they’re confused when it doesn’t work because they didn’t understand it was like an average. 


Happy Hogmanay! I hope everyone is going to have a good hogmanay over the following days and I hope you all enjoy the food snacks and sleeping late! Happy new years eve and I hope you enjoy struggling with writing 2024 instead of 2023. ((I’m still writing 2021, I know I am going to struggle)) 


Merry Christmas yous! Early for some of you and late for the rest of you. I had quite a happy Christmas and it’s only 1932. I’ve gotten a lot- but my mitski tshirt, well the company selling them, went bankrupt- so no merch for me :(. I got a rugby top and some very soft bam pjs for eve to Christmas night, and some much appreciated art supplies and bedding. Some nice nail polish and such, very good Christmas. I’ve just got to make it through board games and that without something bad happening. Oh and going to family for boxing day- wish me luck!