
[  i love making my annual return back here lol hi guys love you and miss you hope you’ve all been doing well <3


        ⠀⠀୫⠀·⠀   the  fact  that  I   am  finding  you  now  and  all  when  I  began  interacting   as  bruce  wayne,  but  you’re  no  longer   active,  is   a  bummer.       come  back  soon,  my  friend. 


      *        COME  BAAAACK,      i’ve  brought  back my  superman.


            [  ah man, i’m only months too late :(  well if you do bring him back, i’d love to interact with him!


        *        @alxuffasch 
            welcome    back.          the  fandom  did  die,   );   and  i’ve  been  debating   bringing  back  my  superman.


((I hope you don’t mind I drop two? Really wanted Damian to meet Cannon and Lillian,  tho he should meet WildKard at some point
          Cannon grunted having been chasing a criminal through the streets, the criminal tried to get away in an alley, shaking his head Cannon chuckled, bolting into it taking his gun out his pocket, tho  when he ran in he was confused, he didn’t see them, they had went up a ladder before he came in and
          Now hid above, jumping off the roof to tackle the man to the ground, 


Oliver was currently standing up on a high building ledge, humming to himself as he got himself suited up, mumbling some thing to himself, before ironically, slipping off the holding and falling, well shït, at least he had gotten suited up first. He tried to stay calm, glancing around for a ledge to try to catch himself on, finally finding one and swinging into an alleyway taking in a shaky breath at the slight panic he had moments before. Walking a little farther into the alley. Glancing around in a paranoid manor


“ damien . i’m glad you’re here but stop trying to sneak up on me. “


“ not good enough , your footsteps give you away. “ bruce chuckled , a subtle shake of his head hardly seen in the dim light from his office. “ alfred told me you would be asleep by the time i got back. what are you doing up ? “ 


@drknightz || 
            A slight frown curled his lips, almost playfully. “Why not, Father? Can’t help that I had a good teacher.” In a lower voice, he added, “Sorry.”


“damien.. hey.. what’s up?”


@birdsofnight || 
            “Richard.” Damian looked him up and down with narrowed eyes. “Oh. Y’know. Not much,” came his plain reply. “How about you?” Damian’s voice was even, his words casual, but his gaze was scrutinising and suspicious.


Peach was utterly confused as she looked around at the city before her. She held up a metal pipe in her hands as she heard movement in the alleyway around her. She raised an eyebrow as she stepped to the side for a moment, looking around carefully. “Who’s there?”


@-peachesandcream_- ||
            Robin jumped down from a metal balcony jutting out over the alleyway, where he had been perched only moments before. Thought not as silently as he’d hoped, as evidenced by this mystery woman’s reaction. He landed in the shadows in front of her and took a cautious step forward, moving into the light. The young vigilante took in her bewildered expression before his eyes shot to the metal pipe in her hands. “It’s alright,” Robin assured, glancing from the pipe back to her face, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”