Someone else, like, topped it :( But I always top and eh, I'm in your bio for a reason so... I RULE THIS MB!! let dem other people stay AWAY!! BACK OFF -_- (i don't mean it, but, maybe I kind of do. You never know)

@am_skylet Hardwork pays off :))))) So, you said......im right that YOU ARE THE CUTIE!! YAYYYY

@no_invazion No Fre! You’re right. That was my Diwali outfit. And you did get the spelling right. Your memory is excellent :)))))

@am_skylet *faints for real* WHAT?! No, no, you are the cutie!! Have you seen @am_skylet profile picture AND HER DIWALI (tell me i got the spelling right) HER DIWALI OUTFIT WITH HER IN IT!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!! also, im trying not to let memory fail me so, if it wasn't diwali that you showed me that picture, then, im gonna cry. Jk. Tell me if im wrong though.