
Tears of Gold by @amethystlakes:
          	'The Light in the Darkness' were the words of the Chryseos family, and Cassia took them as her own. The spark of hope in the darkness of the world, even if it killed her, she wanted to give other people a good life without fear, a life she'd had before Jace shattered it like a mirror.
          	Jace Herondale didn't mean to destroy, and yet that seemed to be all he could do. Ruin, ruin, ruin. It was like the universe had something against him, a personal score that chased him everywhere he went. And making him fall for a girl who could never love him the same way.
          	Chapter three is out!


Tears of Gold by @amethystlakes:
          'The Light in the Darkness' were the words of the Chryseos family, and Cassia took them as her own. The spark of hope in the darkness of the world, even if it killed her, she wanted to give other people a good life without fear, a life she'd had before Jace shattered it like a mirror.
          Jace Herondale didn't mean to destroy, and yet that seemed to be all he could do. Ruin, ruin, ruin. It was like the universe had something against him, a personal score that chased him everywhere he went. And making him fall for a girl who could never love him the same way.
          Chapter three is out!


Let It Snow by @Queen_Bishop:
          Two girls are watching snow like normal. The snow makes everything better for some people. Snow makes everyone happy in away.
          This is was true until a sad things happened to the people. People were dealing with deaths, being cheated on, diseases, and a lot of other horrible stuff.
          So when it snows it brings back bad memories. Snow makes some people happy every once in a while. Mostly because snow is beautiful.


Hey guys!
          Okay...this is the only time I've ever posted an Apply Fic on my please go apply to Summertime! By @stygianvoid
                    SUMMERTIME WAS ANN'S FAVORITE SEASON FOR A REASON. It would be when her dad would order the Taylor family in the car, and drive away, every time somewhere new. But this year, the trip to the Blackside mountains is replaced instead by a visit to one of his old friends. But Ann underestimates the mysteries and dangers she might face in the Bancroft gardens.