
I had no idea what writers block was before but now that I know what It means I know how to explain the permanent state of boredom I put myself into when writing 


Hi guys I'm going to discontinue my Garmau sequel I just don't have time. My LxReader will also not be posted for a while. I apologise it's just life and other crap, it doesn't help my depression is only getting worse and that my crush is my best friend so ya know how that goes... Sorry if these sound like excuses but I just don't have time! IM SO SORRY ;-; 


Hi Guys,
          Update: I wanted to tell all you unicorns that I am working on a chapter of my LxR and the Garmau FF sequel but I've had tests in school these last 2 weeks which is why updates have been slow but make sure you've smiled! Updating my LxR soon, expect it maybe tomorrow or late tonight!
          ~ Amy


Hi everyone,
          To any of you that have or have read my Laurance X Reader and/or my Garmau story I need to inform all you good unicorns I can't upload this week. I'm very stressed and am trying to write chapters truth being that I haven't pre written any yet! I hope you can all understand I need to get back into the swing of things but I may upload at least once this week.
          Bai Unicorns
          ~ Amy