I feel like my stories are a total flop, idk if I should keep going tbh, spending too much energy on stories that no one read is a little frustrating cause I spend hours on it.. idk if it's worth it anymore.

@Ravenhayes37 Hi ! Yes it's me hehe ^^ Thank you so much btw, I might post more on ao3 if I think about it ! Thank you so much again <3

Excuse me, are you a_kiss_from_kiss on AO3? I read a story today called Saved me from the Worse on there and I thought it sounded familiar. Love your KISS Oneshots, by the way .

@Be_you-ti-ful aw.. I wish that writers writing for fun here didn't have to go through that. Honestly, I only write for fun but I still want people to read my stories because I put heart and time into it..