
Hey, does anyone play Genshin on an EU server and is willing to play with me? Plz I need friends ;-; I'm so lonely


In regards to my last announcement, what if I drank enough wet cement to fill up my whole throat, as well as letting it go down my air pipe. Would it get into my lungs and then I'd have cement blood or would I just choke on it or would it dry in my insides and then I wouldn't be able to eat or breathe?


@Shadow123Wolf You'd die, some way or another. 


If I drank wet cement, would it dry in my body after long enough or would I choke on it before I get to that stage?


@Shadow123Wolf ∆
            That's a good question-


@Shadow123Wolf As quoted from Robin Clay on Quora, The concrete would set hard in about 8 hours, after which you would need an operation to remove it.
            Otherwise…any food you ate would build up in your stomach, which would distend - and eventually you would not be able to swallow anything. You might begin to vomit it, including part digested food.
            And you would die. In agony. over several days.