
should I make another Draco fic :/ I have this idea but I low key need to finish the sequel 


Guys pls listen I need a friend rn… today was hard… me and my ‘talking stage’ are done basically. He doesn’t give energy and time into us anymore and I had a gut feeling ab it. I’m distancing myself. I am forever grateful to him bc he did bring me out of my very dark place, and I will always be thankful for that. But i truly think me and him are not mean to be, and that we js miscommunicate far too much for us to be together. He’s losing feelings and I’m not gonna chase him. I’m so tired and today I felt so lost and I’m so done. honestly I’m just gonna focus me, school, God, and track. Some words of kindness would be deeply appreciated.


@ang3lnumbers Yeah I totally understand stuff like that can be hard and kind of draining. If his making you feel that way your def doing the right thing bc some people aren't worth the chase. I love your writing and I hope you start feeling like yourself again x