
Hey guys!
          	So I'm back from hiatus with a whole new story and would love it if you could check it out.
          	Thanks @TheBookBender for choosing to write this with me. 


Hey, I'm answering your pm message as my pm doesn't work ;
          My apologies but I'm not really looking for anything to read at the moment. And yes, I just like the one song Counting Stars, not really One republic as such. 
          Hope you have a great day :)


@warriorofthestars4 thank you, that's very sweet of you :)


No problem! I wish you the best with your books :)


            Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my PM message. I really appreciate it. 


Hi there!
          It's been so long since I updated and I duly apologize. But there's some astonishingly amazing news I would like to share!
          'Chasing Shadows of the Past' won  the 'The Writer's Awards' in the category of'Best Historical Fiction'! Give yourselves a pat on the back for me. I found out on Christmas and it is the best gift ever! 
          I want to thank each and everyone of you for making this happen. It's like a dream come true!
          Happy holidays!


Hey guys! I know I have been hiatus for a long time now, but today I came back to an amazing surprise. We reached the finals of "the fiction awards" and it's all thanks to you!
          It would be really great if you guys could once again nominate me there and hopefully we win.
          Thank you guys so much for everything 
          - Anna :)


Unfortunately due to a never-ending timetable of exams, i'm afraid i have not been able to write anything off lately. Henceforth all my books are on hiatus, if by chance a miracle occurs and i find myself with excess time, i will surely give you guys an update worthy of reading...
          Until next time


Hey guys!
          I know I have been very irregular of late with terribly slow updates and even slower replies. But rest assured, I haven't forgot any of you and your lovely comments always brightens my day! To all those who recently voted on my book and followed me, thank you so much and I hope your enjoying yourselves. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to message you all privately but college and archery has me scrambling for extra time. I reached a 100 followers today and it's quite an amazing feat for me considering I never expected to do this well here. But you guys have helped me in so many ways, that I honestly can never thank you enough for what you have done.
          Have a great day guys!
          - Anna xxx