
I know I’ve been temperamental. Final decision; this will be my band-doc only account. Love you all.
          	romance handle @loveislandusa
          	hero handle @reggiehargreeves
          	yes, on wattpad


The first chapter of Phantom is up. @uneffusive was right and so was @papisongo all I had to do was write until I could get it all out. 
          Thank you guys. Love you tons.
          Give it a look. 
          Good vibes, always. x


@aniallators awwwww nike you're gonna make me cry!!!!! thank you so much for always being so incredibly supportive it means the whole hecking world to me <3


@uneffusive thanks so much for you and all your support. If it wasn’t for your determination and artistic skills with historical fiction, I wouldn’t have found the drive to continue to write.


@papisongo thank you so much  truly always an honor to know and have the support of someone like you. You’re always so kind and inspiring.


Hello everyone,
          I know it’s been a while since I’ve last written. For those still with me I’m currently doing some writing on my other account. It’s not my typical sci-fi/fantasy type stuff. But this ha sheen in my head and hasn’t let me write for any of my other stuff. So I thought it best to indulge it so I can get back to this soon.
          If you guys would be so nice to give it a look and tell me what I should work on. Since it’s been awhile. 
          Thanks so much, good vibes always.
          Nike x


@aniallators which account sis?


Nike? Hope you still remember me. It's me, Patrick! I know it's been so long since I've been here, and I'm trying to keep in touch with my friends here before. Hope all is doing well. I miss the old days! Warm regards.


Omg Pat!!!!! You’re back. I’ve missed you bud. How are you? I miss the old days as well. 


It’s been awhile since the last time on was on here, two years I suppose. I’ve changed accounts multiple times and I’ve come to a conclusion that I can’t stop writing. However, I don’t know whether I should come back under this account or unbleached. I’ve got this great idea rolling and I just need some advice. 
          One person is all I ask.


@aniallators hope all is well girl


@CandyApple12393 omg you are amazing. I’m glad to hear from you. 