
I have a story that I am writing, and it will probably be a while before I publish it, but here is a little exert from the first chapter. 
          	"Ava walked briskly down the street trying to make it in time before he had a reason to yell at her. Who is this ‘He’ you may ask, why it is no one but her dear old man. Her mother died a couple years ago, so now she has to live with her father, a drunk old man that loves to treat her like a worthless slave. And if she was late, then there would be hell to pay. There always was when it came to her father and his beer.
          	Ava Miles, that’s her name. She’s just a 17 year old girl in high school trying to get enough money at her job to be able to leave this life behind. She works late at night at a bar(even though she’s not old enough), and at a café on the weekends. They pay well, but not as well as she would have liked. She had been secretly hiding the money she makes, but when he asks for the money, she only gives him a bit of it. If he knew about how much she actually made, then he would never let her leave. 
          	She rounded another corner taking a backway trying to get the apartment that they stayed in. They lived in a one-floor apartment, because that was all that they could afford. Especially considering the fact that her father uses most of his money to pay for his poker games and alcohol. It was painfully obvious, with all the bottles and shards lying on the ground, and the smell that always lingered even after she washed her clothes. She remembered one time when she had been late, he had pushed her into the wall. He got so close that she could smell the alcohol on his breath. He warned her that if she was late again, that he would smash a bottle on her head. He didn’t let her go until one of his poker buddies pulled him off. But before she left for her room, he told her to work harder so that he could have more money." 
          	Thanks for following - Nemesis


I have a story that I am writing, and it will probably be a while before I publish it, but here is a little exert from the first chapter. 
          "Ava walked briskly down the street trying to make it in time before he had a reason to yell at her. Who is this ‘He’ you may ask, why it is no one but her dear old man. Her mother died a couple years ago, so now she has to live with her father, a drunk old man that loves to treat her like a worthless slave. And if she was late, then there would be hell to pay. There always was when it came to her father and his beer.
          Ava Miles, that’s her name. She’s just a 17 year old girl in high school trying to get enough money at her job to be able to leave this life behind. She works late at night at a bar(even though she’s not old enough), and at a café on the weekends. They pay well, but not as well as she would have liked. She had been secretly hiding the money she makes, but when he asks for the money, she only gives him a bit of it. If he knew about how much she actually made, then he would never let her leave. 
          She rounded another corner taking a backway trying to get the apartment that they stayed in. They lived in a one-floor apartment, because that was all that they could afford. Especially considering the fact that her father uses most of his money to pay for his poker games and alcohol. It was painfully obvious, with all the bottles and shards lying on the ground, and the smell that always lingered even after she washed her clothes. She remembered one time when she had been late, he had pushed her into the wall. He got so close that she could smell the alcohol on his breath. He warned her that if she was late again, that he would smash a bottle on her head. He didn’t let her go until one of his poker buddies pulled him off. But before she left for her room, he told her to work harder so that he could have more money." 
          Thanks for following - Nemesis