
          	 Happy Sunday!
          	 Did I do an update? Yes. Where? Here? Yes, I did! His Little Heart has been updated, the only story I feel somewhat motivated to keep working with because my other stories are MIA at moment…..
          	 I really miss Another Reality, Alina, and her crazy Daddies…..and Rebel…..and Nurse Will…..and Nurse Edward….and Blue Health…..and I’m rambling. It’s just not the same. 
          	 Anywhooooooo…..sob story over, I hope you all are doing well and enjoy this update. :) 
          	 All my love and thanks,


@AngelAsh09 Thank you!!!! I really appreciate it!


@anyasimon63 yeah, I'm following you on there also. 


@AngelAsh09 I do. I'm just in a slump over what's happened and having my stories shadow-banned really discouraged me. I'm slowly updating Another Reality onto another platform at the moment. I hope to get back to Blue Health soon.


           Happy Sunday!
           Did I do an update? Yes. Where? Here? Yes, I did! His Little Heart has been updated, the only story I feel somewhat motivated to keep working with because my other stories are MIA at moment…..
           I really miss Another Reality, Alina, and her crazy Daddies…..and Rebel…..and Nurse Will…..and Nurse Edward….and Blue Health…..and I’m rambling. It’s just not the same. 
           Anywhooooooo…..sob story over, I hope you all are doing well and enjoy this update. :) 
           All my love and thanks,


@AngelAsh09 Thank you!!!! I really appreciate it!


@anyasimon63 yeah, I'm following you on there also. 


@AngelAsh09 I do. I'm just in a slump over what's happened and having my stories shadow-banned really discouraged me. I'm slowly updating Another Reality onto another platform at the moment. I hope to get back to Blue Health soon.


          Happy Saturday!
           The book collaboration Between Two World with @SweetQueen038 has been updated!!!! Hurrah! Please, give it a look, a read, a like, and if you like, a little comment. It would be very greatly appreciated.
          All my love and thanks,
          *…..And now it’s back to dealing with the mess of an reality my works have fallen into….good grief, save me.* 


If anyone wishes to know how I’m spending my evening, it’s with a strong cup of coffee, my computer, and my computer mouse. Copy and paste! Copy and paste! Copy and paste! Copy and paste! Copy and pas-! I think you’ve the gist  of my evening and I really don’t like it. 


@anyasimon63 sounds like a lovely evening... (i would jump off a cliff)


           Dear readers,
           Upon the recent updates that Wattpad is soon to be implementing, my stories will be put on hold until further notice. 
           I did not plan for this and I had high hopes of getting writing again, but due to recent circumstances, will be spending time saving, copying, and downloading my works to hopefully transfer to other platforms. If worse comes to worse, and I pray to heaven above, none of my stories, time, efforts, and hard work will be removed because of the new content guidelines. I will keep you all updated to the best of my abilities. 
           I wish I can share just how strongly I feel about this, but feel right now, my main concern is saving my works. This came out as a shock, and I'm in a horrible little frenzy right now as what to do. Already, I have a strong inkling that some of my stories are currently under review. When I am able and feel the time is appropriate, I will elaborate further on what I think about this whole issue. For now though, what I can say with upmost certainty is this: Many incredible writers will be affected and I'm not pleased about this AT ALL. 
           I wish everyone well and I hope you all understand this very unexpected event. (Like any of us do right now!) 
          All my love and thanks, 


Thank you. I will definitely look into it. 


@anyasimon63 so sorry to hear that you are putting your writing on hold but pleased you are attempting to get copies of everything backed up. Love your writing. I know another author has just posted on inkitt and her work is free for her to post and to read. I've just downloaded the platform and looking into it myself now. Thought I'd share x


Dear readers,
           Our patient, Wolfe, is well and good, and no, she’s not forgotten any of her realities she’s happily lost herself in. She’s just busy with work and finishing the school year strong. She hopes to get lost to her writings soon. 
          Oh, and she may just be getting recognized at her university for a piece of poetry this coming weekend. We’re so very proud her and this upcoming accomplishment. 
           Hoping everyone the best,
           Dr. William 


Dear readers,
           Our patient, Wolfe, has been crying for the last few hours because apparently she decided to do an update on our Alina’s whereabouts. We don’t know where her whereabouts are planning to take her, but we can, with great certainty, share that Escape From Reality has been updated. 
           As she’d say, we hope you find this new update well, and not ending in tears. Please, like, comment, and if you’ve any ideas as to where Alina just might be, please let us know. We’d deeply appreciate it. 
           Blue Health
           Dr. Thomas William and Dr. Timothy Carlton
           #BlueHealthTakeOver #whyisWolfecryingsodamnhard? #didwedosomethingwrong?