
just got back from vacay new chaps out soon xoxo ari


Hi! I know I've been super MIA very recently and I just wanted to apologize. I've been dealing with some things that are super personal and I have been noticing my reader count going down but I'll continue to update when things get better. Remember I love you lots and eat something and drink some water, I have a surprise coming soon <333


hey guys, I've been thinking a lot and think I will put my other stories on hold for now. I will still be updating but I have midterms coming up and I think I need to work on school and my mental health a little bit. I hope you guys understand and updates will be coming maybe Friday night. (Dec, 16) My birthday is Wednesday and I want some time to myself and my family :) I will always love you guys and I hope that I can come back better than ever. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or suggestions <33