
hi my dudes. i am so so sorry about having not uploaded the next chapter to the 27 club, and i'm also sorry to say that it's going to be on hold for a bit. i picked a bad time to start writing a story honestly. i may, however, write some smaller things here in there? but a proper story isn't something i want to try and do right now. i'm really sorry, i know i was all excited about it and stuff, and now i'm going on hiatus literally after the first chapter. so sorry. happy holidays. x


you are beautiful. your writing is beautiful. please continue being beautiful. 


message me literally any time at all. i'm in love with your writing style.


@obsessioniskey oh my gosh thank you ! i love your writing too! (: <3


hi my dudes. i am so so sorry about having not uploaded the next chapter to the 27 club, and i'm also sorry to say that it's going to be on hold for a bit. i picked a bad time to start writing a story honestly. i may, however, write some smaller things here in there? but a proper story isn't something i want to try and do right now. i'm really sorry, i know i was all excited about it and stuff, and now i'm going on hiatus literally after the first chapter. so sorry. happy holidays. x


hihihi so i am considering writing a story on here. like, for you to read n stuff. it'll be super angsty, and super gay. if you'd be interested in reading a story that i wrote pleasepleaseplease let me know. have a nice night. 
          (also I've never used the 'notify my followers' thing, i hope it's not too annoying.)


ahh you're sweet. I'll honestly love anything as long as it's gay dw 


oh dear, now that i know you're reading im gonna rip my hair out trying to make it as good as possible. you have crazy skills man. @thattumblrchick


I'm always down for some angsty gay  