
Petor booba


I agree with this statement 
जवाब दें


Hey skyy, it's Kaci!  I been trying to get ahold of you somehow.  I'll give you my new discord whenever you see this.


@Bisexual_Broom_boi kaci its me, this is my new wattpad i havent noticed you tried to contact me. u still active? i been worried sick ab you
जवाब दें


Petor booba


I agree with this statement 
जवाब दें


यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है
Ok so,I feel like drawing. It's only gonna be a drawing on paper but. If you want a character of yours drawn. Hit me up. I feel like doing shit.


@Maxxieie yeah that would be nice. My user on insta os still applethingyay. 
            And sorry for the slow reply I was asleep
जवाब दें


@applethingyay i could send it to u through instagram
जवाब दें


@Maxxieie ok got it. I will do my best to draw them without a ref so sorry if it's a bit off.
जवाब दें


Oh my god ur alive I know we don't talk anymore but I'm glad ur doing alright


@tetraishere yea sure, that would be nice. Yeah the drama we got into was really dumb. But hey. I learned. Of you wanna, pm me for my new discord tag
जवाब दें


@tetraishere it's alright I don't blame you. We should talk again, I miss you broski
जवाब दें


Ok so, I been gone for a very long time.
          But I decided I would return. 
          Now sadly I will not write fanfiction of Gorillaz anymore and most of my stories I will delete. I'm so sorry for up and leaving for over two years. There were some really nice people I befriended on here. 
          But really I'm more active on Instagram and Discord.


@toxicfoxy101 im just fine. Just took a lil needed break. Thanks for caring úwù
जवाब दें


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
          Hello there
          This place looks pretty spicy
          Mind if I join?