
Mikshhh my love, hope you're well!
          haven't been to this orange place for a while, very rarely because *brace yourself* I'M NOW A GROWN UP UNI STUDENT (since september) AND HAVE NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF STUDYING HAHAHA
          how are you?! can you drive now I remember you saying you were taking lessons! (also remember you cutting up bottles for recycling? how did that go?)
          still the mad chemist i hope?
          (p.s. my ceiling still misses yours)


@Sparkolescence STILL A BUSY BUNNY EH? :p
            I'm doing awesome. Honestly, I'm really doing great. :) OMG AN UNI STUDENT, CONGRATULATIONS. WELCOME, WELCOME. I HOPE YOU ENJOY ALL THE WORK.
            I feel you though. I have always so much studying to do every week. I can cry. But I love it. I love chemistry and all that studying is worth it. Literally now when it comes to chemistry I'm a fountain of information. 
            WHAT ARE YOU STUDYING? Are you enjoying it? Made any cool friends? Nice professors? Any hot guys at uni? ;)
            YEESS, I got my licence uhm almost two months ago. Yesterday I drove 3 hours in total and my dad didn't nag much. My dad can be so annoying grr. I'm good at parking the car but whenever my dad is with me it all goes wrong, grr. 
            OH YES I RECYCLED IT ABD IT WAS SO COOL, but I've also made aspirin and silver and other stuff which are used in dye for example. :D and I extracted different colours from spinach anf I made colours. :p
            I'll always be the mad scientist. Duh. We do need to take over the world remember.
            I hope you're doing awesome and that uni is good to you. :*


Miksha ♡
          Are you still here?


@approbatio ahh I'm never on ask and i reply so slow here xD but I've been well just stressed with school. Growing up sucks. How have you been mickie? ♡


@approbatio aww love you still remember me! We haven't spoken I'm ages :'(


Mickey I see you :(
          Speak to me girly </3


Aww I understand but at least we still get to talk! I'm too lazy to go on lol but how are things? Do you think you'll write stuff on this account? 


Are you back for good? Tell me you're back for good and then no sad face


          Eva told me to text you here
          How have you been??
          I wrote some emotional stuff in the other account
          Doesn't suit me
          So Wattpad isn't even letting you see


@Book_rapper Hmm, I don't want to quit or smt. And I don't hate it, tbh I love it. I'm just really tired and ready for my summer holidays.
            Ahahahahahahaha *ignores*


this message may be offensive
You do? Well, don't we all. Haha my college is fucking up my life way more beautifully than anything ever could. I want to quit but can't. So I understand. 
            It realllly doesn't, except when I write.
            Oh God, please do ignore.


@Book_rapper i'm dyyyyyyyyyyyinggg, uni is kicking my arse. i just want to stay in bed all day everyday tbh. ahahahahahahah emotional stuff doesn't suit you :p. how've you been? 
            oh, i saw the message you sent on my other account through my email. :)