
Ok I don’t really use wattpad anymore so if you guys want, to check me out on Ao3 under the same user (celmatesakiller) I’ll be more active there than I am here


So guys hello yes this is a kind of important post. It’s me coming out. 
          No, not as a gay thing, but more of a “Hey! You thought I was female but surprise I’m actually a guy!”
          So yea. I’ve known for maybe a year now that being a girl just isn’t right. But at the same time I enjoy the stuff girls have. So this is me saying hi! I’m a dude and my name is Rian (Ree-an) or otherwise pronounced as Ryan. 


I'm trying to update both BO and WAY? currently along with a one-shot but it's hard seeing as I broke my hand and it's recovering but still a bit sore when it comes to typing too much so wish me luck. In the next week or two I should have at least one update done!