
/ drop things please and thank you!! 


“ i did not expect you to be here . ” elias said , managing to maintain eye contact with the hellish being . “ i could ask what you want , but i feel as if i already know the answer to that question . ”


            “ your children are not heirs to a servant of yours . i find it quite peculiar that you would want me on your side , lucifer .. ” he said , his gaze focusing on the other . his crimson irises growing darker as the other being spoke . elias was puzzled by his words .. lucifer cared about him ? he couldn’t understand nor process the others feelings .. well because it was lucifer . the man that tortured him , broke him down , and tried to rebuild him into some killing machine . his gaze shifted of him . elias inhaled deeply , processing all that he said . “ killing me would have been easier . ” he mumbled , looking back at the demon , “ the life that i have been dealt is far from good . i may have potential to better it , but .. being a knight .. one of high status , may not be the best route to go . i cannot lose myself again , lucifer . you are not molding me into what you desire me to be . ” he looked around , trying to find his words , his teeth gnawed at his bottom lip , “ i will take what you said into consideration .. especially since i have never seen you so .. vulnerable to share your feelings towards .. me , i suppose . ”


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            “ my children are heirs of hell, they haven’t denounced their place and they are / powerful / yes but you are not them… your power comes from more than one place. ” he reasons, with a small shrug. hands falling to his side, he licks his lip softly in thought, pressing them into a thin line as his expression softened.
                “ there is a reason…. why i hesitated to kill you when you asked. i couldn’t—“ his hand rubs against his chin, head shaking as he was embarrassed to admit it to him. “ i couldn’t kill you, even when you begged for it, because i didn’t want your life to end like that. after everything that i promised i still had hope that you would rise to the occasion and be a knight. that means something— because i don’t hesitate. but i, ” he shakes his head, sighing softly in an attempt to hide the sadness in his eyes. “ i care about you and i believe you should be given a good life. one not riddled with confusion and self doubt. ”


            “i don’t like the look in your eyes ; the fascination , the endearment . i’m not a toy nor a pathetic little demon that strives to please and obey you , lucifer . i am my own person , this is my life and you can no longer have control over it . ” he said defiantly , almost as if he was reassuring himself in a sense . “ i do not miss the life that i had in hell nor do i miss power and status . i was naive and easy to manipulate back then , i did not know the unfortunate consequences of my own actions . however , now i am able to hold accountability . ” he responded , frowning at his words . he wished that he did not have a target on his back , but he would rather be the one in harms way over rae . she had a whole life ahead of her , whereas elias had nothing going for him .. which is why he yearned to change his fate . “ you seem proud in a sense , i can’t understand why . . don’t you have children of your own , why can’t you taunt them ? be proud of them , i could only assume that they are much more powerful than i am .. what could you possibly want from me , lucifer . ”


“ what did you do, /bathe/ in blood? you absolutely /reek/ of it, darling.”


            “ what, am I too /bold/ to come alone? you shouldn’t be surprised, darling. not after /all/ we’ve been through.” her brow rose, her arms moving to fold over her chest as she observed the scene, unable to stop her crimson lips from curling up at the sight. while of course she did not like him, she was also not a big fan of the ‘angels’ either and seeing their bodies scattered over the place brought her great pleasure. her eyes would roll, a low chuckle leaving her, pearly white teeth showing as she grinned. “ i would have taken some had you not /offered/. what I’ve learnt over the centuries is that I’d rather not owe anyone anything, especially not /you/. so I think I can hold off from the blood for a while. finding a meal for myself won’t be a problem. “ 


            “ i didn’t think you’d come, especially not alone. ” a smug smile finds its way upon his features, hiding his irritation of toward a few of his heavenly brethren who’d decided to attack him. currently their bodies lay across the ground, leaving a burned mark of their wings where they perished. he sniffs the air, the scent of their blood fully flooding his senses at the mention as he cleans off his angel blade with a cloth. “ the scent is no fault of my own—my siblings and i made quite the mess. you’re welcome to have a taste. ” his hand gestures out to the bodies with a welcoming yet sinister leer, a gleam in his crimson hues. 