
My story does not match with the blurb. My blurb does not cover the essence of the story.
          	I am taking down my story blurb until I figure out what to write!!
          	I am going crazy! How do you guys write the story description???


@arpslovestoread what exactly do you want to convey through the blurb. it would depend on that.


@EchoOfHope that is what I had till now. I was not happy with it. I just changed it to the crappy one which is Currey there!


@arpslovestoread So you want to spice things up? What about a max. of two line description on reach of them and a few more on how their meeting would be interesting?


My story does not match with the blurb. My blurb does not cover the essence of the story.
          I am taking down my story blurb until I figure out what to write!!
          I am going crazy! How do you guys write the story description???


@arpslovestoread what exactly do you want to convey through the blurb. it would depend on that.


@EchoOfHope that is what I had till now. I was not happy with it. I just changed it to the crappy one which is Currey there!


@arpslovestoread So you want to spice things up? What about a max. of two line description on reach of them and a few more on how their meeting would be interesting?


          a new campaign started by EcohOfHope and Me.
          When I check out the new books on Wattpad, all I can see is the books on Rich CEO's and Wealthy Supermodels.
          Where are the thoughts of a common man? where is the Journey of a doctor? The pursuit of a lawyer? The determination of a teacher? The sacrifice of a soldier?
          If you have a book which is about a common man (a middleclass or upper middle class) person and would like to tell us this story, please support the campaign.


@arpslovestoread my new one has a successful businessman but u know its about a girl who joins the Indian Air force.. 


@arpslovestoread an older brother who lost her life to leukemia.and how the younger sister carried on his legacy and made him remembered everyday


It was my bday... But today I felt I am all alone. I feel no happiness to celebrate, I have not smiled a single smile. And I am not able to control the tear spilling out onto my cheeks. Whom do I go to for comfort???


@arpslovestoread u are an october born ??


If it makes you feel better I fell in a garbage bag full of trash and laughed while my mother silently judged me and then laughed at me.


For the first time I wrote a story!!!! All my life I have been reading novels. And now there is a small desire in me to pen my own thoughts. So I took a chance with this story " SWEET REVENGE". So plz read n encourage me. Also vote and comment to let me know your thoughts. :)