
this message may be offensive
should i post cringey shit like its 2014 again


So, I have decided that life sucks. Life is gonna suck no matter who you are, or what it does for you or how it treats you. But, that doesn't mean we have to act like it. The reality is that life won't last forever, and that sucks. But for when it does, we have to make the best of it, and we all have our own ideas of what that is. Life won't be "fair". Life won't be "nice to special people". Life doesn't care who the hell you are, it's gonna do what it damn well pleases. That's why we just have to do what we can to survive it.


im done with everything.. just... im lost and confused and lonely and sad and scared and hollow and just.... numb


I can't even express how upset I am that you feel this way. No one should ever feel like that. I know this may not help any, but please just try to hang on. You may not realize it, but a lot of people love you and need you in their lives. Please, please don't give up, because people do care about you. Heck, I care about you. Don't ever forget that. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, I'm always here. Try to stay safe.


i need advice on something, but first:
          I am pansexual 
          I am genderfluid 
          what could I use as a binder for when I need one?
          what do I do when I can't pick what gender I am?
          what do I dress like when I'm both or in between or neither?


@tryssa0trystn Tumblr and Pinterest sometimes have some easy tutorials on how to make binders out of pantyhose for when you need one. They seem very convenient, and I would advise you to look some of the tutorials up for whenever you need one. And when you are feeling like both, in between, or neither, some simple jeans and a unisex t-shirt might be a good option for what to wear. I hope this helps!