

Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? I'm new here and I dream of one day being a great author!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)




Hi, I'm introducing one of my stories, if you are interested or looking for something interesting to read at the moment, please do be interested in this story of mine, thank you and have a nice day! <3 
          Christian Baddel is someone that Margauxx can never have. It's been years since the day that changed her life and broke her heart in pieces. She then realizes that this love, this feeling she has for him is too painful for her. Not until she meets someone that will save her from this never-ending loop of love full of pain. 
          But what she doesn't know is Christian's greed and desire to make her stay, which one would she choose? 
          The man she loved or the man who saved her? 


          Hello! Sorry for plugging my story here in your wall. If it bothers you po, feel free to delete it. Anyways, hope you can consider mine. Completed na po siya. Maraming Salamat po. ❤️❤️❤️


Hi, I'm introducing one of my stories, if you are interested or looking for something interesting to read at the moment, please do be interested in this story of mine, thank you and have a nice day! <3 
          Chandria's love for Jaxon is not a 'friendly' one, it is something else... something much deeper, much darker, so painful to the point that the only thing she wants was him... just him. When she realized her truth and how much she loved him, she also realized that she's only going to hold him back from what he deserved, from growing and becoming his own self--his own man. And just like a friend, she had to let go and just be the friend he needed, the one who would stand right next to him. 
          But as years pass by, it only drove Jaxon crazy for the only woman he desired and loved for a very very long time which led him to a plan that will make Chandria break her rule to never ever touch him.