
Please remember to be respectful to authors. If you do not like the story, just simply stop reading it. There is no need to write hate comments on the stories. I am getting tired of seeing comments saying that my stories do not make sense. I am currently learning from my mistakes and hearing the old mistakes do not help but at this point annoy me.


Please remember to be respectful to authors. If you do not like the story, just simply stop reading it. There is no need to write hate comments on the stories. I am getting tired of seeing comments saying that my stories do not make sense. I am currently learning from my mistakes and hearing the old mistakes do not help but at this point annoy me.


Can i just say i finished all your books in two days. I just couldnt put it down. I loved stories so much. Its that type of book that makes me wish to see it in live action. Keep up the good work sister! You're doing great !!


Omg thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you like it!!!


To everyone who is telling me that my stories are too rushed or unrealistic:
          1: I wrote Waking Up Married and The CEO Wife (and it’s spinoffs) when I was in HIGH SCHOOL. 
          2: If you notice my username, I literally wrote those stories because every other Wattpad story is cliche
          3: Please stop telling me that they’re rushed or it’s unrealistic on the way that certain characters reacted towards specific stuff, it’s getting annoying at this point
          I’ve learned from my mistakes and plan to use them on FUTURE books. I will not go back and rewrite in my books that have surprised me on hitting from 700k to 1.21 million reads because people think it’s boring or too rushed