In the heart of a quaint, bustling town, there was a coffee shop that wasn't just a place to grab a caffeine fix; it was a sanctuary for weary souls seeking solace, connection, and, most importantly, assurance. This was Assurance Coffee, and it had a story that brewed not just in its cups but in the hearts of its patrons.

You see Assurance Coffee was born out of a desire to see people from all walks of life come together. to start a conversation and to give birth to community. The point at which the community can meet is with a cup of coffee in one hand and a handshake. Community would be the place where people can escape from the hectic pace of this life and relax. No we don't have to agree on everything as a community but we can agree together on a few things. Assurance Coffee and a great tasting cup of coffee would be the point at which new alliances can be born.
  • Jacksonville Florida
  • JoinedSeptember 2, 2023

Story by Joseph Heun
The Grace of Coffee by assurancecoffee
The Grace of Coffee
A short poem about coffee.
ranking #27 in coffeelovers See all rankings