
abis pembersihan , ada yg me unfoll ga?


@soociples  aku terunfoll tdk?


Permisi kak, izin promosi disini ya kak.
          Apakah kamu penyuka cerita dengan genre misteri/thriller? jika iya, mampir dulu yuk ke book pertamaku. Siapa tau nanti, kamu suka^^. Terima kasih:)
          I think you'd like this story: " HIDDENITE │Re-upload " by Chalyarah on Wattpad


as the days, years, go may find that your purpose becomes more complicated. what am i supposed to do? who am i supposed to be? is this the right path for me? so many questions will fill your mind, but the truth is that you may never have these answers. but that's okay. those questions are enough without any answer. create answers by listening to your intuition, trust it and make moves based on it. Life Isn't Easy, but the greatest thing you can do is trust and believe in yourself.



Haii izin promosi yaa (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
          Harvey Liezel adalah café bernuansa Jerman X Italy milik keluarga Araska.
          Mereka berasal dari keluarga yang sangat terpandang. Namun persaingan bisnis antara keluarga mereka dan keluarga lain, menjadikan Ferdinan Araska dan keempat adiknya sangat waspada.
          Dan Terror menyerang ke 5 kakak beradik itu, apa yang harus mereka lakukan?
          Genre : Teen fiction, highschool, crime, mystery, Family, romance comedy