
Just so you know I’m a Ravenclaw. I can’t spell though. Sorry about that. Have a good day. 
          	You’re the coolest person I’ve ever saw (seen but whatever it’s for the sake of art). FYI I’m a Ravenclaw. 


I want to comic con this weekend and cosplayed as Harley Quinn. It was awesome. Sorry, no pictures. I want to keep my identity pretty private. During the time of Shakespeare there were no heaters, this post had nothing to do with theatre. 


@audreygraceh that rhyme deserves an award


I just posted a chapter in mind of an actor where I talked about a musical after I finished listening to the soundtrack. If anyone enjoyed reading it and wants to see another musical done please tell me. 
          Hamlets father was a ghost and now I need to end this post. (What?)


So I just published In Love Forever and it turned out really great. I'm sorry it's so short. It wasn't meant to be a novel. A new character who I love is introduced. 
          A while ago I quit writing the twins because the whole series was too influenced by others. I loved my characters and original ideas I had but it was ruined. 
          The only book I'm really working on is the mind of an actor. I am not acting right now so I don't have much inspiration.
          If you have any ideas for anything tell me. 
          Okay bye


@audreygraceh maybe you should write emo hufflepuff 