
Counting the days to go back to my boarding school (ʘᴗʘ✿) . 
          	༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ I will miss y'all a lot. 


Ok . Today is my accounts one year anniversary . Yay. Thanks to all my followers . All the good friends I made on this app and most of all thanks to all my readers who have supported my books . I'm grateful . May God bless you all. Lots of love ( ╹▽╹ ).


@mmmercedes ❤️❤️❤️ lots of love . 


@AsOriginal (・∀・) thank you Soo much. Personally you've been a great friend here in this app. ❤️❤️ Looking forward to share those many years with great ppl like you . (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Soo. Fun facts about my country...
          1. Hussein Obama , Barack Obama's father was a Kenyan citizen..
          2. Our capital city. Nairobi . Is the only city in the world that has a national park  within it's limits.
          3. Lupita ,actor ,is Kenyan..because her dad is Kenyan ..anyway
          4. Queen Elizabeth was declared Queen while in Kenya on holiday.
          5. We have over 45 tribes in Kenya..
          6. We have our own form of music called Gengetone.. accompanied by an original dance stlye known as odi. Of course this was made by the current youth generation.
          7. An average child or person in Kenya speaks 3-4 languages fluently.
          8. My country has the fourth hardest education system on earth. 
          9. The wilder beast migration takes place in the Maasai Mara park twice a year .
          10. We have the largest economy in East and central Africa. And we are among the top five countries in Africa.
          11. Ohh. and our athletes compare to no other in the world take for example Eliud Kipchoge the current world record holder for the shortest time taken to run a full 42 km marathon.
          That's all I gotta say..I'm just boosting moral for my country here....( ╹▽╹ ).. #Africangreatness.


Hey there ..hope your all good. I just published  ' The other side of a new moon.' Please go check it out. It's a book of short stories...anyway guys stay safe and make the best out of a crappy year like this one . Be blessed.( ╹▽╹ )( ꈍᴗꈍ)(^∇^)ノ♪


Thanks for the follow! Feel free to check out my book as well! Stay safe, stay healthy!✌


@auriestarbucks no probs. Take your time :) 


@Queeyana254 your welcome. I'll turn my best to make sure I take a peek at your book. Thanks. I hope you'll be safe too .


R.i.p Chadwick Bozeman aka black panther.  You'll be missed (。ŏ﹏ŏ). I might look ok but deep down I don't think anyone can play the role of black panther better than you ..may heavens angels receive your beautiful sole..........༎ຶ‿༎ຶ(╥﹏╥)


@auriestarbucks I know right. He'll sure be missed. It's such a shocking and sad news :'(