
Sneak peak from Chapter 20
          	“Who do you think I am? Your Slave?”. I don't where did I get that confidence from but for the first time in my life, I felt relieved and strong, knowing that I can fight for myself and I don't need anyone's help. Unknown of the fact that I hurt something in Ranveer. 
          	His trust. His faith in me. 
          	“What is this Amayra?. Staring deep into my eyes, he ittered these sentence, and I felt a sudden urge to scream it. 
          	“It's Me”.


Sneak peak from Chapter 20
          “Who do you think I am? Your Slave?”. I don't where did I get that confidence from but for the first time in my life, I felt relieved and strong, knowing that I can fight for myself and I don't need anyone's help. Unknown of the fact that I hurt something in Ranveer. 
          His trust. His faith in me. 
          “What is this Amayra?. Staring deep into my eyes, he ittered these sentence, and I felt a sudden urge to scream it. 
          “It's Me”.


Chapter 21 is out on Scrollstack... 
          Who are you?”. Suddenly a female voice fell into my ears but having no strength to even pull my head up and look at the person, I kept laying there. 
          Suddenly I felt him touch my shoulder. She spoke again. I don't know what she did, but suddenly something warm wrapped around my body. It hurted me a little but moreover, it provided warmth to me. 
          The next thing I remember was waking up in a new place. White wall, wild little to no colour anywhere. I look outside the window and see the sun is shining outside. What time is it? And where am I?. 
          A same type of fear settled into me. Am I back to them?  But before I could drown in my own world, I saw the door of the room opening, creating a creaky sound. A woman with fair skin and long hair, entered the room with a plate. 
          Who is she? 
          Is she with them? 
          Is she going to hurt me as well? 


          “Have a coffee and relax”. Confusion and hesitation in her eyes. Don't worry, I won't hurt you until I am buried deep inside you and have you screaming louder than ever under me. And I won't stop until you beg for mercy and pass out. 
          That's how I like it. 
          Curling and uncurling her fingers around the cup, she takes it to her lips. I don't know why but it sent a zap to my cock right away. I can feel my pants tightening each passing second as I see her moulding her lips against the brim. 
          I wonder how those beautiful lips would look wrapped around my dick and sucking the life out of m-. 
          Stop it Ranveer.
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Taste of her? Is that what you said? Come on, I'll tell you what she tastes like”. Ranveer pulled him up holding his collar and punched his face again. 
          Jay groans in pain. I see his dislocated jaw and blood flowing out from the cut above it. 
          “She is mine, she tastes like Mine, do you get that”. With that I see Ranveer pulling his whole body up from his hairs. Our eyes matched and I saw worry in his eyes for me. 
          Chapter 18 is out on Scrollstack. 

          You can also follow me on Instagram for earlier updates and Spoilers. 


Chapter 16 is up on Wattpad for free.... Here's the link

          You can follow me on Scrollstack and Instagram for earlier updates and SPOILERS.. 
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I just uploaded chapter 16 here on Wattpad. Go and read it. It contains little mature moments so if you are not comfortable reading them, you xam skip it...... 

          You can also follow me on Instagram and Scrollstack where I post spoilers and other things such as uploading schedule and much more. Link are mentioned below. 




"Make me yours, even for a minute, second or moment, I know it doesn't matter to you but it does for me. I want you to take my first". 
          And that was it, I slam my lips on hers again, moulding them perfectly for me. If heaven has a taste, it's this. I am basically tasting heaven in this kiss. 
          "Tell me to stop Amayra". If not now, I am scared I won't stop until I make you cry out of pleasure Little Bird. 
          "No. Don't stop Ranveer". My name from her mouth sounds so good, like I am hearing my name for the first time in my life. 
          "Then get ready to scream my name, and let the world know that you belong to me and I belong to you. No man, no Vincent comes in between"---
          Chapter 17 you guys!!!!!! Excited??? 
          Go, here's the link 


Chapter 17 is out on Scrollstack and will be on Wattpad in some weeks, so if you don't want to wait for weeks to read that chapter, you can simply click on the link right below and go to  Scrollstack to read the chapter. 
          Chapter 17/ Scrollstack link :- 

          You can also follow me on Instagram, where I upload major spoilers and twists. Link is below. 

          Take care and have a good reading. I will meet you with a new chapter.